Adarsh Rasayan Prash
It cures breathing problem, Cough, Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Phlegm, and Influenza. It increases resistance power and makes face fair and lovely.
Ashwagandha Giloya, Shatawari, Basa, Dalchini, Haritki, Banslochan, Kakra Shringi, Patraj, Pohkar Mool, Nagkeshar, Jayphal , Javitiri , Laung etc.
Asthama, Pharyngitis, Respiration Tract infection. It also increases body immunity and vitality.
3-5 Gms Twice daily with Water/Milk.
Adarsh Swasantak Vati
Adarsh Swashantak eliminates chronic respiratory disorders and its regular use cures chronic bronchitis. Lungs start functioning properly and also it is very good medicine for Asthmatic problem.
Arjun, Kakrashringhi, Apamarg, Katehli, Swas Kuthar etc.
Asthma, Chronic bronchitis, R.T.I.
2 tabs Twice daily with Water.
Adarsh Vrahat Vasavaleh
Adarsh Vrahat Vasavaleh eliminates chronic cough and phleGm.
Vasa, Bharangi, Katheli, Pipli, Abhrak etc.
Allergic Cough & Bronchitis, U.R.T.I.
Half to One Tea Spoon Twice daily with Water.